Sunday, September 12, 2010

Registration Now CLOSED!!!

Have you been hiding under a rock & missed the info night?
I'm sorry to say ADRD's intake quota is full to the brim, registration has now CLOSED!!!

If you managed to register in time remember:
In the info pack are 3 very IMPORTANT forms you MUST fill out and bring to Raw Meat training, cuz if you don't you won't be able to skate!

In the Meantime.....

If you just can't control that desire to get out on the rink and skate bike paths, tennis and basketball courts, even supermarket car parks after hours offer great outdoor areas to practise if you have your own skates and a keen eye for track obstacles (ie sticks, stones and small children).

But don't forget that there are several community recreation centres* that offer indoor roller skating, with skate hire if you don't have your own pair of skates. You may even spot a Derby Girl or Ref practising their skills.

St Clair Recreation Centre (8445 8344)
109 Woodville Rd, Woodville
Friday Night 6.30pm-8.30pm
Saturday 1.30pm to 4.00pm General Skating Session
Free Skate Hire
Sessions $8

Blackwood Recreation Centre (8278 8833)
1 Northcote Rd, Eden Hills
Sunday afternoons 3.30pm - 5.00pm
Free Skate Hire
Sessions $8
Additional sessions in school hols Mon-Fri, 1-4pm $10

Gawler Recreation Centre (8523 0111)
Nixon Tce, Gawler
Friday evenings

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre (82630411)
Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm
Friday evenings 6pm - 8.30pm
BYO Skates
Privately organised, so the price will vary.
Under $10- the more who turn up, the more people to share the cost between.

Now get your skates on, and get your butt on the rink.
* this is by no means the definitive list, so if you know of skate sessions in your local area, please add comments.


  1. hiya, is anyone around the northern areas interested in practicing weekdays between 12.30ish and 2.30ish for one hour??????? at Ingle Farm? Need at least 4 people to keep the cost of hiring at $10 each. More people could = a two hour session or cheaper for one hour.
    Cheers Leonie

  2. Hi Leonie,

    What are you hiring to practice? If its a hall or something similar im in.

    Im free most days between that time.

  3. Hi Kerryn,
    That's excellent you can make it; a couple more people and its looking like a goer. It is a court that is not in use during the 12-3 timeslot, at Ingle Farm Rec Centre, $38 per hour. Available any week day BUT not during the school holidays GRRR. Trying to get a better deal should know more next week.

    COME ON!!! anyone else interested??? we have two people need at least two more....the more-the better!

    Cheers Leonie

  4. Hi Leonie,

    Email me your number and i will give you a call. Ive found somewhere cheaper for us.


  5. Hi ladies,
    Is this still a go or did you find somewhere else? Let me know

    Thanks :D

  6. Hey guys, hope everyone is managing to find some good places to practice, and enjoying discovering lots of new skills in the process (I know I sure am... though I've got plenty more to learn yet)! Just wondering if there is any more news on how many spots will be open this year? I know that at the info night there was mention of 5-25... but I was just curious if there were more accurate numbers yet?
    Anyhow, take care, and enjoy! Lauren x

  7. Also, I forgot to mention - if you guys did end up finding somewhere to practice, let me know if you ever do any night time get-togethers. I'd love to tag along!

  8. Hi Lauren,

    We are just doing days at the moment. Send me an email with your number and i will text you if we do anything in the evening.


  9. Done! Thanks! Look forward to catching up sometime hopefully! Good luck with training!


  10. I have a question regarding wheels...... I desperately need new ones but not sure what to go for. Can ADRD mouldies give me some suggestions. I am leaning towards low profile ones but what brand arggggggggggggggggghhhhhh

    Thanks : )

  11. Lauren...

    There is no definite number yet so the 5 to 25 still remains, you will find out more at fresh meat training as the trainers see what we are working with re freshies abilities and the number of oldies retiring.

    Re Wheels...
    The parks floor is a sealed wooden basketball court, that is very slippery. Our wheel choices vary so much it's almost impossible to recommend you something without taking the following into consideration.
    A) Past skating experience (can you already skate?)
    B) If so how much grip or slip do you like in a wheel?
    C) Body weight- (depending on your size players A's wheels may not suit player B even tho they are skating on the same surface).
    D) Agility- can you stop, start & manoeuvre quickly?

    You would want a wheel that will offer you good traction in a tight turn- again this varies from person to person.

    Wider wheels generally give you a bit more support due to the greater surface area in contact with the ground. You may find you also want the stability of a wider wheel once you start getting blocked and bumped around.

    Narrow wheels on the other hand give you less area in contact with the floor so less drag & a supposed faster wheel BUT in doing so there is less "push". To compensate you'd need a softer grippier wheel. They can also feel a tad unstable like your tipping over.

    I would suggest having a skate on the wheels you already have and see how they are, also have a talk to some league members @ fresh meat training and see what they can advise.

  12. Thanks for the information! See you all at raw meat!
