Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fresh, Fit n Fantastic

So the Disco got off her couch and headed to fresh meat training #3 this week. Hooray! Have to admit – pretty super impressed by how much everyone is improving. Keep it up folks cos yr looking great out there. But not only was the disco checking out all the awesome form, she was also doing some more mini pop quizzes. And the theme for the evening was FITNESS. We are all working hard at derby training, but what other exercise are we doing? Do we feel fitter? And what do the seasoned roller-peoples recommend…

Bone Shaker recommends you “get yr #rse on your bike”. She cycles every day, to and from work and also at work and recommends it for developing leg and back muscles strength.

Roller Junky digs bushwalking. Not only is it free but its great for building endurance. She also recommends lap swimming and yoga.

Fury of Fenrir and Grimy Knickers both recommend doing weights, paying attention to different muscle groups in different sessions. They both also enjoy outdoor skating and hill skating to help you get strong.

Grimy and Dee Injuria both are big advocates of the RPM spin classes. I myself am a bit scared of the concept of sitting on an exercise bike having someone yell at you to pedal faster, but am determined to give it a go soon. (Feel free to remind me of this.) Both ladies go to the gym regularly and Dee also combines these workouts with a healthy eating plan as recommended by her food coach. Other advice from roller peoples included: vikram yoga, ice skating, ice hockey and of course the good old recreational skating.

And now for a picture. Every blog must have a picture apparently or it just looks like boring words. This is Pistola Balboa in front of the message tree at the Great Southern Slam derby tournament held earlier this year. She is pretending to do exercise.

But how about you freshies? I squeezed in a few chats with you in between drills to find out ho much your fitness has changed since you all started raw/fresh meant. And this is what you said:

Tracey – “I now fit into that dress!”
Phoebe – “Feeling a lot more toned”
Phil – “Much stronger thighs and I’m aerobically fitter”
Naomi – “Heaps fitter. My endurance is better and I feel faster”
Amber – “I stopped smoking”
Rhonda – “Feels good."
Kyra - "My legs are like steel. Well they might not be made of steel. But it feels like they are. You know what I mean”

I only got to speak to a few. How are the rest of you feeling?? Feel free to post below and let us know!

Cheers my dears - Disco x


  1. Unfortunately, Raw & Fresh Meat has coincided with a really stressful and busy part of the year for me and, as such, I was intially worried that I'd end up too exhausted with all that crazy Monday night skating. Amazingly, all the extra exercise and fitness has given me a huge energy boost! Every time I skate I come home feeling more alert and alive. It's such a great feeling.

  2. I've been feeling great about all the extra exercise I've been getting from skating and now if I even have one day off of exercise I feel like a lazy cow!
