Hello and welcome to Raw Meat Recap.
This weeks head trainers were:
Guy Incognito and Kit Cat Krunch
Warm up drill was stopping on a whistle blow, while skating around the track, one for T stops & two for snow ploughs. After the warm up there was another quick discussion on hydration, community, hard work and good pain Vs bad pain (see last week for more info).
Skaters were split into 4 smaller groups based on their skating ability, then combined 2 of those groups to do some drills on the tracks.
Pixie Pincher & Kit Cat Krunch worked on sticky feet, stride and cross overs.
Guy Incognito & Bam Bam Belial demonstrated weaving amongst cones.
Violent Krumble & Gateway Girl fine tuned T stops & snow ploughs.
After a short drink break every one split into 4 groups again to work on fine tuning cross overs, remembering to hold a derby stance, get low and to take an nice deep step when crossing over.
Next up endurance laps, 5 laps in 1 mins and 25 laps in 5 mins were the goal.
Finished up with a chat about testing and what will be involved and what you will need if you progress to Fresh Meat ( see below).
Testing for week # 3
You will be allocated a colour group, within that group you will be given a number from 1 to 15 to stick on your helmet.
There will be 4 different skills stations that you will rotate through within your colour group.
These skills stations will be:
1. General skating:
Skating Posture - Bends at knees and hips with shoulders back, Swings arms fluidly.
Stride - Has steady, confident, fluid strides, Uses both feet to push forward on straight-aways.
Crossovers - Performs smooth crossovers while skating at a brisk pace going into and coming out of turns, Uses both feet to push during crossovers.
Wide Slaloms - Can move easily and fluidly from one side of the skating lane to the other.
Can perform smooth quick changes of direction, crossing the track at least three times on each straight-away and twice on each turn.
2. Stepping and weaving:
Stepping from a standstill - Forward and Backward, Side to side in both directions.
Weaving - Maneuvers through 10 cones placed six feet apart.
3. Squatting, balance, sticky feet:
Squatting - Skater achieves a 90 to 120 degree angle at the knee during each squat.
Feet and knees are hip width or wider. Eyes look forward, chest is out and back is flat.
Squats and coasts through the entire straight-away and turn.
Balance - Performs one-foot glides with each foot for the length of the straight-away with good balance. Skater must be in derby stance with one foot completely off the floor. Skater maintains sufficient speed and does not flail limbs.
Sticky Feet - Has the ability to propel self while keeping all eight wheels on the floor.
4. Stopping:
T-Stop - Skater must come to a complete stop from a brisk pace, using proper form and without losing her balance.)
Plow Stop - Skater must come to a complete stop from a brisk pace, using proper form and without losing her balance.)
Speed and Endurance:
Skates 25 Laps around track within five minutes.
Skate 5 laps around track within one minute.
There will be time for a warm up and also after endurance time for a warm down.
Results will be given one by one based on colour groups, there will be 2 ADRD members delivering the results. There will also be grievence team people available for anyone who may wish to discuss their results.
Anyone who passes Raw Meat and progresses to Fresh Meat will require the following safety gear for week #4. Remember if you do not have ALL your safety gear you will unable to skate.
This includes:
Mouth Guard
Wrist Guards
Elbow Pads
Knee Pads
See you all next week- GOOD LUCK!
Hi, You mentioned that you will give us a number from 1 to 15 to stick on our helmet. Does that mean we are required to bring a helmet for the testing in week 3?
No it's not essential that you have a helmet for week 3, if you don't have a helmet we'll just stick it to your arm.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering............ if we get through Raw Meat but dont pass fresh meat will we be able to become a ref instead???
ReplyDeleteIn short No.
ReplyDeleteRefs are also tested in both Raw & Fresh Meat, and need to pass Fresh Meat as they too need good basic skating skills, and an understanding of derby skills. Also everyone was required to nominate their preference at the start of the training period so we could adequately cater for that.